Jese Leos

Striving to dazzle myself.

Update v0.7.9B (Bookmarks🔖...)

We're excited to announce that Update v0.7.9B is now officially live! One of the most requested features, "Bookmarks," has been added. Here's a quick guide on how to use it:

  • First, create an account to store your bookmarks.
  • Then, navigate to your favorite series and click on "Bookmark." You'll find three options:

Currently Reading List
To Read List
Finished Reading List
Abandoned Reads List

  • Choose your list, and you're done! You can access your bookmarks in the navbar under the "Bookmarks" button or by using this link: Link.

In addition to this, we've also added chapters likes 💗  (for logged-in users only!). You can find them on the series page and in the Chapter tab.

Furthermore, many other reported bugs have been fixed!

If you encounter any problems, bugs, or have suggestions for missing features, please report them our discord server 

Thank you for your support! 
